Real estate cadastre
Real Estate Cadastre is an essential base of information regarding properties. It includes their listing, description and the geometric determination. Information about the ownership rights for these properties are a part of the Land Registry. Land Registry serves mainly to the property rights protection, tax purposes, payment purposes, property assessment and for other information systems creation.
If you want a help with the Real Estate Cadastre issue, do not hesitate to contact us. Our specialists with rich experience are ready to advice and answer any of your question regarding Land Registry. We provide following services in this area:
- Parcel identification
- Land property demarcation
- Plat map elaboration
- Parcel division
- Renewed property evidence registration (ROEP)
- Changing the cadastral area
- Processing of contracts of sale proposals
- Delivery of contracts of sale to the property owners.
- Ensurance of valid contracts entry to the Land Registry